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It’s all about love !

I attended a birthday celebration this week marking an age milestone for a friend of ours. This got me thinking of “what is it all about”? ...

Friday 22 March 2019

It’s all about love !

I attended a birthday celebration this week marking an age milestone for a friend of ours. This got me thinking of “what is it all about”? A loaded question that took many great minds over the centuries a lot of time and effort to try and answer. And here I am, courageously taking on the question and attempting to find an answer. I am sure I’m not the only one, we all at some point in our lives stop and ask “what is it all about? “

In my mind and in my humble opinion, it’s all about love! Love trumps money, work, life achievements, accomplishments, success, productivity, fame, power, you name it. Love is what we need and what defines us. Without love everything in life becomes food for selfishness that only leads to emptiness. If love is missing from our live’s equation, everything becomes empty and meaningless. But what is Love? Is it how I feel? What I do? What I say or don’t say? What I think? Or what I give? OR is it all the above? 

Love has two sides to it’s coin, the lover and the loved. The lover has to find an object for his/her love and that in my mind, has to be another human being for love to be meaningful and to accomplish it’s purpose. Unfortunately many times we make things other than each other the object of our love and we suffer the consequence of feeling empty and unfulfilled. Loving my dog is good but it’s not the ultimate purpose of Love! Love has to happen between two human beings for it to be effective in giving our lives meaning! 

Love has to hurt!!! What??? No, that doesn’t make sense!!! OK, bear with me: By that I mean that giving or sharing out of our excess is convenient and nice to do but doesn’t demonstrate true love. In giving our time, effort, money or emotions to another human being, we need to go beyond our comfort level and convenience for love to thrive. When we step past what we can afford, can do and feel like doing to the realm of “it’s not about me but about what the other person needs so I will step up and ignore my selfish cry for convenience” then love starts to materialize and starts to exist and to thrive. 

When love becomes, joy follows. 
We might be tired or exhausted or will miss out on a new purchase, a TV show, a trip or just “time for ourselves” but we will be filled with joy, contentment and a sense of true accomplishment when love is thriving in our lives AND then we start to change! We become kinder, more thoughtful, easier to be around, more tolerant and more in tuned with what it’s all about! 

Love is the answer!!! 

God is love! 

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Today is my 60th birthday!

What could be better than celebrating my "big six O" birthday but by starting a new blog and share it with the whole world, right? I can't think of anything better (OK I can!)  other than devouring a whole cake from my favorite bakeshop in Newmarket all by myself. Check them out here http://www.nutmegbakeshop.com/ 

How did I get here? 
Since my grandbaby was born last year, I have been thinking that I would like to keep some sort of a diary to share with her when she gets older. I want to somehow give her an idea of who I am while I still have my marbles (or so I think !!)  and since I have no say in how much longer I will stay on this earth, ME in a written form sounds like a good idea. 

Then, a couple of weeks ago, it dawned on me at 3:00 am in the morning that maybe I should expand this sharing myself with my granddaughter thing to sharing myself with her AND with the whole world while I'm at it. Why not, right? Well, I doubt that the whole world will care to know more about me, but maybe some will and maybe what I have to say will be of some value to someone, so why not? 

SO, what will I be blogging about? Initially I had the idea that my blog should be about my art journey, but since I am more than an artist and since I wish for my granddaughter to know me in my entirety I decided to blog about everything that involves me, my art journey included. Sounds good?

To everyone who decides to follow my blog and join me on my sometimes serious, other times funny and silly journey, THANK YOU!!! I hope you will find it beneficial and entertaining. I am hoping this will be a way to connect and share ideas and somehow influence each other to become better people! 

My first official blog post will be in a few days, this is just the intro!!! I need to grow up a bit more before I put on my big girl blogger pants and dive in!!! See you when I'm sixty and a few days :-)

Have a good day/night depending on where you are and see you at the next post!!!

Sammy this is for you! I love you beyond words and hope one day this will mean something to you!